Tuesday, May 9, 2023

2023 Quinnipiac GAME Forum Keynote Speakers

 The Quinnipiac Global Asset Management Education (GAME) Forum is the world’s largest student-run financial conference. It provides students a platform from which to explore a variety of financial topics and practices, both among themselves and with the support of global industry leaders.

Bobby Barnes is one of several prominent 2023 Quinnipiac GAME Forum keynote speakers. The head of Quantitative Index Solutions at Fidelity Investments, Mr. Barnes has extensive experience in areas of retirement planning, portfolio advising, benefits outsourcing, and an array of financial products and services. Under his leadership, QIS designs and manages a variety of investment vehicles, ranging from fixed income to multi-asset class. He previously worked as an alpha research quantitative analyst.

Jiam Bianco, the president of Bianco Research, LLC, is another 2023 keynote speaker. An accomplished macro strategist, Mr. Bianco has over three decades of experience as a global economist known for eschewing typical Wall Street research tactics. He is also known as an insightful commentator who has spoken on topics such as the government’s role in the national economy and the interaction between politics and various markets.

Chartered Financial Analyst Jimmy C. Chang has served as the chief investment officer of the Rockefeller Global Family Office since 2020, having initially joined the company in 2004 and held roles such as chief investment strategist and senior portfolio manager. He gained experience leading technology-driven equity research as a senior tech analyst, and later chief technology strategist, with the US Trust Company of New York.

Aroop Chatterjee, meanwhile, brings a global macro perspective to his keynote speaker role. Mr. Chatterjee has spent over 15 years as a global macro strategist focusing on emerging markets and matters of foreign exchange. During his time as the managing director of FX EM Macro Strategy, Americas for Barclays, he helped shape the bank’s view on the US dollar, the Canadian dollar, and the overriding global foreign exchange landscape. He further served the organization by creating a number of foreign exchange analysis frameworks and models.

Keynote speaker Celia Dallas joined Cambridge Associates in 1996, and is now tasked with the development of the company’s global investment strategy in her position as chief investment strategist. She possesses a breadth of capital market and investment planning knowledge, which she has contributed to numerous Cambridge Associates research projects and publications. She gained insight into competitive intelligence consulting as a consultant with the firm Harlan Brown & Co.

As a speaker, Anupam Damani brings portfolio management experience that eclipses fixed income topics and includes matters of foreign currency, sovereign credit, and global rates. She manages a diversity of responsibilities in her dual role as the head of international and emerging markets debt strategy and co-head of global fixed income portfolio management for Nuveen, a TIAA company.

Finally, certified financial advisor David Duong is the head of institutional research at Coinbase Institutional, a position that involves leading all cryptocurrency research at the company. He has nearly 20 years of experience in areas of macroeconomics and quantitative modeling, and has particular experience with foreign exchange rates in Latin America.

Additional 2023 Quinnipiac GAME Forum keynote speakers include Fidelity Investments managing director of research Lisa Emsbo-Mattingly and Michael Gapen, managing director and head of US economics with Bank of America Global Research. For more information about the forum, please visit qgame.qu.edu.

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Published: Choosing a Financial Advisor

I published “Choosing a Financial Advisor” on @Medium

Waterskiing Tips for Beginners

 Waterskiing is a popular recreational and competitive sport in many parts of the world. In waterskiing, an individual is pulled behind a motorboat on a body of water as they hold on to a ski rope and glide on the water on skis.

Even though it will take some effort, learning to waterski is relatively easy for most people. With instruction, anybody can experience the excitement of riding the waves behind a motorboat.

While waterskiing, having the proper technique ensures you stay upright and balanced. Don’t try to pull yourself up or stand upright on the skis too early. Let the boat pull you up as you stay crouched for as long as possible to keep you balanced.

When you are up, keep your arms straight and knees slightly bent. Pick a particular spot on the boat and keep your eyes focused on it. If your eyes rove or look down at the water, you will likely lose balance and fall.

When starting, particularly on a lake or lagoon without strong currents, one way to learn is to start on combo water skis and then drop one ski after a short distance. Mark or remember the spot where you leave the one ski, and then try to come back to that position in a quick turn. Single slalom skiing is one of the fastest and quickest turns in water skiing. This maneuver teaches you slalom-style skiing. It may be tricky to locate where you leave the ski if you are on a river or ocean where currents might have carried it away.

Starting on a single slalom ski may be more challenging in deep water, and using a deep-V-handle ski rope helps. The deep V rope allows you to put the single ski pointed dead ahead and right in front of you as the motorboat moves and accelerates.

The next step is to pick the right waterskiing equipment. If you are a heavier skier, you may need longer skis, although, for most beginners, it’s better to look for combination skis. A combo water ski comes in a set of two skis that provide extra stability, better balance, and directional control than a single ski.

Waterskiing is different from many other sports or activities. You use muscles you might not even know you have. Also, it puts you in awkward and unfamiliar athletic stances. Patience, therefore, is essential as you learn how to balance on the skis and practice certain moves. The patience should also be extended to your instructor and boat driver.

Like virtually all vigorous physical activities, water sports carry risk elements such as injuries and drowning. Waterskiing, therefore, demands adherence to strict safety protocols. In your safety checklist, a must-do item includes wearing a life jacket throughout and ensuring that the equipment and boat are in excellent condition. You also must master the various signals telling the boat driver what you want them to do, only ski in designated areas, and try to fall onto your back or side when losing control.

Published: One Investor’s Approach to Deep Value Investing

I published “One Investor’s Approach to Deep Value Investing” on @Medium